

My wellness journey began with yoga - I was 22 years old, living in San Francisco and in search of something I could do as I recovered from a knee surgery that left me with 10º range of motion. Up to this point everything worked - my body performed well, my mind was alert and active, sleep happened easily, I was energized.

Yoga was the answer and it shifted my mindset, calling me to pay attention to the way I was using my body as well as the way I was living. Yoga introduced me to the connection between my mind, body and heart and quickly became a guiding principal in my life. For four years I practiced consistently while I worked in a corporate environment - exploring different types of yoga with incredible teachers. I was so drawn to the practice and how awake I felt in my life as a result of it, that I decided to attend my first training in 2002, launching my career as a yoga teacher.

Years later, when I relocated to my native city, Chicago, and started a family, my wellness practice called for a new level of attention. Becoming a mom to three boys, launching my own business, managing my home life, enjoying my marriage, staying active in my community AND remaining healthy and connected to myself required my diligence and full commitment to my well-being.

Now, I understand my wellness as a practice that takes into account my physical, mental and spiritual health, nutrition, sleep, relationships, work, and stress.

I see my wellness as an evolution, a progression and an opportunity for growth each day - some days being easier than others.

I have learned so much since taking that first step into my first yoga class. That knowledge has enabled me to take the steps to identify and incorporate the wellness practices that make my life possible, and I am excited to help you see that path as a possibility for yourself, too.


I Believe…

movement heals. movement connects us to ourselves. movement brings awareness, compassion, patience and love.

I Believe…

we all know where we feel our best. the practice of meditation is essential. we are always evolving. practice, practice, practice. we’re all learning, always.

I Believe…

our environment impacts our behavior. strength and flexibility look different in every body. when in doubt, move.

I Believe…

what we eat has a big impact on how we feel. where and how we source food makes a difference. conscious breathing can shift our mood and decrease our stress.

I Believe…

we connect. we find it in our friends, family, and community. in our willingness. in our showing up. in our being okay not knowing.

I Believe…

cooking your own food is power. soaking up the sun is peace. getting outside everyday and breathing fresh air is perspective. i believe in the pause. a little bit goes a long way.

I Believe…

in seeking teachers and mentors throughout life. humans provide the best comfort. music drops us in. the body, mind and heart need to be cared for. attention is an expression of intention.

I Believe…

in balance. in discipline and measured indulgence. matcha and sprinkles. eating more veggies than fruit. a good night’s sleep. push-ups and pull-ups.

I Believe…

our wellness practices are unique to each of us and sometimes it takes time and trial to figure it out. when we come from a place of abundance everything is possible. your wellness is about aligning to your personal power.


I believe you are entitled to feel good.
If you agree, I’d love to talk more.
