

 There is no one-size-fits-all answer to good health AND wellness.

Wellness is truly a personal practice owned by you. I learned this firsthand in my own journey to discover how I could consistently feel energized in mind and body and engaged fully in all aspects of my life. It’s a journey I have been on for over 20 years and it continues to unfold.

As I prioritized my well-being and decided that I needed to understand how I could thrive in my life, I was able to identify and ultimately commit to the practices, habits and routines that help me feel my best.

My wellness is the foundation of my life. When I am healthy and capable, all the things I want to accomplish and experience become possible.

I want this for you, too.

Wellness requires your willingness, your engagement, and your presence. It takes time, trial and refinement. It is a personal, evolving exploration asking each of us to slow down and focus on the interior experience of our mind-body-spirit.

As a Wellness Strategist, I am your partner and advocate – I am here to support you as we design a way of life that is sustainable and impactful, a life that is immediately available to you the moment you decide you are ready to feel your best.

 My wellness work involves working together, with my clients, to design a way of life that is sustainable and impactful.


Personal Wellness Strategy


My approach is holistic - working with you to see the big picture and how the various parts of your life connect to comprise your wellness.



• Identify what works

• Identify what is challenging

• Understand how you metabolize stress

• Develop your personal wellness plan

• Expand your skills, knowledge and resources




Corporate Wellness Strategy

The best corporate wellness programs take into account your specific and unique organizational culture and core values. In my work as a wellness strategist, I prioritize your people and seek to understand how they thrive to develop the best approach.


Companies who prioritize wellness experience:

• Leaders with increased self-awareness

• Engaged, energized and productive employees

• Higher levels of trust and belonging among teams

• Elevated productivity, problem solving and creativity

• Positive lifestyle behaviors that directly impact performance at work - sleep, stress management, physical fitness, diet

• A culture of consciousness where employees are empowered to effectively manage work/life stress

• People who feel valued and have fun at work


I believe you are entitled to feel good.
If you agree, I’d love to talk more.
